The Fine Art of Dance and Andrea - Ron Brewer Images in Surprise and Scottsdale AZ

September 09, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


_POR0443 2012 09 06 Andrea Lasley BW


Fine Art and Dance are perfect companions.

This last week I was privileged to do a photo shoot with Andrea Lasley, an amazing dancer from the Phoenix area. We created a large number of images, most of which were focused on her talents in the field of dance. In the middle of the process, she introduced "The Mask" into the shoot. I wasn't expecting it, as I was more focused on the beauty of dance as our concept. But the minute she pulled the mask out of her bag, I was hooked! Obviously, she carries around a little "bag of tricks" full of great ideas. You never really know where you are going to end up when two artists collaborate on their creation. You start with a seed of a concept and watch it grow and bloom into something that excites each of you.

I loved the concept she germinated - the idea of conflicting themes. The concept of the beauty of the ballerina against the alter reality that the mask introduces into the image completely changes the story being told by the image. The mask introduces drama, mystery, and a harshness against the ballerina's soft presentation of simple beauty. I've always loved conflicting themes in imagery. 

One of her friends said that the mask was "freaky". She got it! She understood what the image was all about; she saw that the image was about being beautiful and freaky at the same time. You have to love it when that happens!

You can see more images from Andrea's photo shoot in my gallery The Art of Dance


_POR0440 2012 09 06 Andrea Lasley BW


_POR0436 2012 09 06 Andrea Lasley BW






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