Beauty is More Than Looks and Size.

February 02, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Beauty is more than looks and size. It is presence. It is self awareness. It is self acceptance.

Beauty is present in the NOW. I have long felt that beauty was readily present to be captured at anytime, in anyone. After years of photographing women, I’ve watched so many women hesitate to be photographed. They want to wait, wanting to lose 2 or 20 pounds. But in waiting, they just never get around to being photographed. I wondered if somehow we could find a new way to view ourselves by a compromise of sorts.

With each New Year we feel refreshed and inspired to achieve. We make promises to ourselves to be healthier and fitter and perhaps lose weight.

I want to offer a collaboration in this effort to achieve whatever a woman wants to claim the right to her own beauty. So, I have a new promotion that allows you to set your own goals and have a rewarding end point to reach for. So often we achieve our goals for events like weddings and trips. Why not have a photo shoot booked to launch your success?

Book now for a photo shoot in April, 2015. $100 reserves your date. Between now and April’s photo shoot, you set your goals and you mark the calendar off while you work to achieve your goals. At the end of your journey, come to your shoot to celebrate! And to celebrate with you, I will waive your session fee and give you one free digital image. Plus, the $100 booking fee goes towards any purchase you make!

This is NOT a before and after shoot. This is NOT a plea to “get skinny” and be “more beautiful." You ARE beautiful. This IS a way for you to achieve your personal goals and have me on your side. It’s for you to see, after this journey and whatever it brings, that you are worth capturing in the NOW.

Beauty is more than looks and size. It is presence. It is self awareness. It is self acceptance. I believe you are beautiful NOW. If you need time, let’s book a date in spring that will allow you time, but also provide you a true goal to work towards.

Turn the eye of the beholder to April, 2015.

Ron Brewer Images
(623) 698-2228



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